Weddings days are usually full of fun and excitements, it occurs on every Saturdays, it’s on that day you would see some persons dressed in an elegant way with flashy cars.
Wedding days are like Christmas day for those who attends wedding almost every Saturdays.
It’s really fun and full of excitement, on that day, people would dance and eat to thier satisfaction on that day, some would even go to the extent of asking for more.
Weddings usually involves a lot of planning, some could even start making plans 6 months before the wedding to avoid any sort of embarrassment or disgrace starting from the choosing of location to the hiring of caterers e.tc.
Some who aren’t good with making plans do hire professional event planners who would make the wedding plans.
And it is always advisable to hire a wedding planner because such person would have acquired enough experience to be able to plan for a wedding.
Before hiring an event planner, you would need to hire the best because there are some who are after thier selfish interests and may not provide the best of their services so it’s better you make enquiry from two or more person who recently just did thier own wedding.
And it is also advisable to follow up any event planner you are hiring so as not to miss anything.
Therefore, there are some important qualities you should look out for when hiring an event planner:
Integrity: As some would say that Nigeria is full of mischievous and greedy human beings, you really can’t trust anyone.
You have to make sure it’s a trusted person, someone who can easily open up to you and tell you everything you need to know without hiding anything because of his/her selfish interests.
Previous works: This is what most persons does the most, before hiring any person for any type of job. That’s why most companies in Nigeria would keep asking you for your level of experiences before giving you job.
So before hiring any event planner, it is advisable if someone recommended him or her to you but if no one did so, you could just ask the event planner of here previous works.
Intelligence and skills: Anything quality yields great results, this applies when. You are hiring an event planner too because there are some persons who calls themselves an event planner but they lack some important skills and aren’t intelligent.
The person you must hire must be very smart and be able to think fast Incase there is any matter that needs urgent decision.
Reputation: If you are an event planner reading this article, it is very advisable you build your reputation if you really want to get more clients because this is one of the qualities they look for before they hire someone.
They want to know your past experiences with your previous clients if it was successful or not.
If you are looking for a reputable event planner, then you should go visit some of the clients the event planner has worked with to know the behavior and qualities.
Is it someone you can work with: Not every two partners agrees with each other because we humans are not perfect.
For example if the event planner you hired is someone who have anger issues and you two get to have a little misunderstanding, you may sack the person or the person should quit the job and this would really affect the planning of the wedding.
Because you and the event planner is supposed to be working together.
So before you hire a professional event planner, he or she must have the above qualities
Perhaps, if you want to proceed on the planning of the wedding yourself, probably you want to ensure proper planning, or because of some other person reasons, there are some things you should consider such as;
Time: Time is very important in order to ensure effective planning, you need to give more than enough time for the planning because there are lots of activities involved in preparation for a wedding.
Although this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have time for other things you need to do.
Don’t do it all by yourself: the truth is that you can not do the whole planning and preparation all by yourself, you would surely need the help of your family friends, relatives and some other persons related to you.
Writing out a detailed plan: Making a very much detailed plan is very important, it just like you are a planning for a very tough war.
You must plan different strategies to make sure that the wedding comes out successful.
If possible go meet experienced personeel which would advise and guide you through
Good budget: This is very important especially if you want the wedding to be a very big one because there are different expenses.
If it’s a small wedding that doesn’t involve a large crowd, you could just have a normal budget that would be sufficient for the wedding but if it’s going to be a very big wedding then you should have a surplus budget.
Is it a one or two days event: Some persons do make thier wedding a two or three days event that’s why it is very important to make a well detailed plan.
People whom you hired: I do here of people not performing well because they aren’t paid before thier job.
The best way to do this is to give them 60% of any price you both agreed on promising that you would pay the balance after the completion of the job and that you might add a tip if you are very well satisfied with the job.
Don’t stress yourself: That’s why it is very advisable you hire an event planner to work with you.
Send invitations to guests early: Lastly you should notify the guests about the upcoming wedding very early, if possible one or two months before the wedding so that they would also be able to make preparation.
And it is also important you send them reminder to keep them informed about the wedding.
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